This is open to like minded organisations i.e. that share the vision, values and principles of ecological land use management. They have full voting powers in the Triennial General Meeting and or the Special General Meeting.
This is open to International NGOs, networks, Government departments and newly established NGOs. These have no voting rights in the Triennial and Special General Meetings.
This is open to individuals who agree with the Association’s Mission and Vision.
These are paid up members and have the voting rights in the Triennial and the Special General Meetings.
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Zambia is part of a wider PELUM Association network found in East and Southern Africa. Established in 1998 as a member based Civil Society Organisation under NGO ACT Number 16 of 2009, PELUM Zambia works
to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers by fostering ecological land use
Sustainable use of natural Resources
Maintaining transaparency and accountability in all operations
Maintaining transaparency and accountability in all operations
Respect for indeginous knowledge
Maintaining a professional culture and working through networks and others
Maintaining a professional culture and working through networks and others